What we will draw

Hey there, thanks for visiting! Today we’ll be learning how to draw a bridge step by step. This is more of an old timey medieval style bridge, but the same basic concepts apply to any bride.

How to draw a bridge

Step 1

We’re starting with a nice easy arc that will act as the main shape of the bridge crossing the stream.

Bridge 1

Step 2

Bridge 2

Step 3

On top of our basic bridge arc, lets draw a rectangle that follows the arc of the bridge.

Bridge 3

Step 4

Now under the main arc, we are going to rough in the shape of the holes int he bridge where the water passes through.

Bridge 4

Step 5

Now lets start adding some dimension to our actual bridge sides.

Bridge 5

Step 6

Bridge 6

Step 7

Ok, so now we have a basic shapes in our underdrawing, we can start adding some detail with our inking process.

Bridge 7

Step 8

Bridge 8

Step 9

Bridge 9

Step 10

Bridge 10

Step 11

Bridge 11

Step 12

Bridge 12

Step 13

Bridge 13

Step 14

Bridge 14

Step 15

Bridge 15

Step 16

Bridge 16

Step 17

Bridge 17

Step 18

Bridge 18

Step 19

Yeah! You’ve made it to the colouring part where our bridge will come to life! Start by blocking in solid colours then move to highlights and shadows.

Bridge 19

Step 20

Bridge 20

Step 21

Bridge 21

Step 22

Bridge 22

Step 23

Ok, now that the shape of our fist is complete, were going to start inking our outline. 😎

Bridge 23

Step 24

Bridge 24

Step 25

Bridge 25

Step 26

Bridge 26

Step 27

Bridge 27

Step 28

Bridge 28

Step 29

Bridge 29

Step 30

Bridge 30

Step 31

Bridge 31

Step 32

Bridge 32

🎉 Finished Drawing 🎉

Boom! You did it. Now use these same steps (and maybe a reference image) and try to recreate some other types of bridges for practice.

Bridge 33

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