What we are drawing

Today we’re going to draw a water drop. While the shape is pretty simple, the challenge is in the colour and reflections. This one is beginner friendly but good practice for anyone.

Water Drop 19

Step 1

Start with a light circle that will make up the main shape of our water drop. Over the next few steps we will further refine this underdrawing.

Water Drop 1

Step 2

Water Drop 2

Step 3

Water Drop 3

Step 4

Water Drop 4

Step 5

Water Drop 5

Step 6

OK so the underdrawing is done, its a pretty simple shape. Lets move on.

Water Drop 6

Step 7

Lets darken the outline for now. We will remove this in the future, but we want to see what were working with here for this stage of the drawing.

Water Drop 7

Step 8

First, lets block in some darker blue that will live in the background.

Water Drop 8

Step 9

Now a nice darker shadow around the right side to give the drop some depth.

Water Drop 10

Step 10

Now a brighter blue in the middle of the drop to further give it that three dimensional look.

Water Drop 11

Step 11

Some light highlights around the dark side to mimic how light and shadows work in the real world.

Water Drop 12

Step 12

Add a big juicy highlight at the front, you deserve it!

Water Drop 13

Step 13

Water Drop 14

Step 14

Water Drop 15

Step 15

We’re using Procreate on an iPad so we can lighten things up after the fact. Which is what we’re doing here.

Water Drop 16

Step 16

I guess water doesnt have a dark outline in real life, so remove it or keep it, it’s up to you!

Water Drop 17

Step 17

Water Drop 18

🎉 Finished Drawing 🎉

Add nice little background a you’ve got yourself a drop of water that’s good enough to drink!

Water Drop 19

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