What we are drawing

Hey friends and welcome to the how to draw Kirby tutorial! Now let’s draw everyone’s favourite pink, squishy… marshmallow? Anyway, it doesn’t matter what he is, what matters is we’re going to learn to draw him.

Step 1

As you may have guessed, drawing Kirby starts with a big ol’ circle. Follow along for the next few steps as we lay down a rough underdrawing.

Kirby step 1

Step 2

Kirby step 2

Step 3

Kirby step 3

Step 4

Kirby step 4

Step 5

Kirby step 5

Step 6

Kirby step 6

Step 7

Kirby step 7

Step 8

Kirby step 8

Step 9

Ok, the hard part is over, and the fun begins. 🎉 Let’s start darkening our lines and get rid of that messy underdrawing.

Kirby step 9

Step 10

Kirby step 10

Step 11

Kirby step 11

Step 12

Kirby step 12

Step 13

Kirby step 13

Step 14

Now this is where Kirby really becomes Kirby. Grab the pinkest pink you can find and let him have it!

Kirby step 14

Step 15

Take the pink you’re using and darken it a bit. Use that for Kirby’s cheeks and shadows.

Kirby step 15

Step 16

Kirby step 16

Step 17

Kirby step 17

Step 18

Kirby step 18

🎉 Finished Drawing 🎉

Yeah! You did it. Now we have a beautiful and very pink marshmallow/thing/creature/hero thing.

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