Welcome, and thanks for checking out our how to draw tears tutorial. 😭 Look, we aren’t always smiling and happy ok, sadness and tears are a normal part of being a human, so let’s learn to draw them!

What we will be drawing

How to draw tears

Step 1

Follow along for the next bunch of steps as we map out our underdrawing. Keep things light and loose and keep an eraser handy (if you’re from the 1800s and still using a pencil and paper 😅).

Tears step 1

Step 2

We’re going to do a simple face shape here, because what are tears without a face? Water. That’s what.

Tears step 2

Step 3

Tears step 3

Step 4

Tears step 4

Step 5

Tears step 5

Step 6

Tears step 6

Step 7

Tears step 7

Step 8

Tears step 8

Step 9

Tears step 9

Step 10

Tears step 10

Step 11

Tears step 11

Step 12

Our light underdrawing is pretty much complete, now we’re going to work on the tears. It’s a combination of gathered tears under the eye and tears streaming down the cheeks.

Tears step 12

Step 13

This step shows how the tears come down the cheek. Since there is a curve they will kind of go out then in like the example, not straight down.

Tears step 13

Step 14

Tears step 14

Step 15

Let’s ink our drawing to make these tears more realistic.

Tears step 15

Step 16

Since they are in essence water, we need to add some nice highlights for realism.

Tears step 16

Step 17

The streaking tear down the cheek is classic. Use a darker shade of the skin tone for the streak.

Tears step 17

🎉 Finished Drawing 🎉

Thanks so much for following along, I bet your drawing would bring tears to a glass eye. 😉 See you in the next one!

How to draw tears

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